Monday, December 13, 2010



First! Let me say sorry for not posting in forever. BUT! I was sick so that's a pretty good excuse (T^T)

It actually rose to 103.4! You should have seen how weak I was!!! I legĂ­t stood up to step out of the tub and I ended up slumping over/passing out/ faceplanting out of the bathtub instead... yeah, and you all expect me to blog?!? So I guess what I'm trying to say is sorry for getting the flu! (...?)





So I think Smith Orthodontics did a mighty fine job, if I might say so myself. I MEAN REAAAALY. My teeth used to be TINY, STUBBY, and were uber bumpy at the ends. Seriously, when I smiled, part of my lip would droop and it would look like I was smirking at the camera =__=

So basically, they slapped on some metal, pulled down, rotated, slimmed (they were like upside down triangles), and pulled together my sadly messed up teeth. Yeah, it was $&@!#*% painful!!!

The thing is, you don't realize how horrible your teeth are until you see the finished product. So I'm telling you now, if they tell you that you need braces, GET THEM!!! And don't get clear ones, it takes longer than metal and it makes it look like something slimy is on your teeth.

The lady who took my braces off was a MAD BEAST!!! When she was braking the brackets off my teeth, she yanked off like 7 in less than 1 second! She deserves a world record.

Also, it feels good to arrive at school or wherever you had to return to (or facebook) and get a zillion compliments about your beaster than a beast new teeth and it makes you feel SHARP like a G6 ;) #ij

So here's the before and after!:


My I'm-trying-way-too-hard-to-smile look


Me right after getting them off! I was still in the office and people were looking like (wtf is that girl taking so many photos)! DUMMIES! I just got my braces off!!! THATS WHY!

It makes you feel so confident and you keep smiling even when you think you aren't! Plus, after drilling the glue off your teeth, they feel SUPER SILKY SMOOTH and you keep feeling them with your tongue! Now I have this habit of trying to get food off my braces, and then I realize,"OH! Nothings there!!!" It's a good feeling :D

It might take some time though to get used to my permanent retainer. I can decide where to put my tongue... TWSS!!!

I've spoken too much!!! Goodnight everyone!

PS: After you get braces off, you sing better! :D

PSS: You're welcome for the long post :)

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