Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Spirit Week!!! (•^^•)

I really wish I could have kept all my blog followers from the Sharona blog (T ^ T)
I am confident and I'll work to pass that amount instead >:D

Here's what happened this week!

Monday: Character Day at school!!! If my Team Rocket outfit arrived earlier, I would have worn it! I could have ambushed the person who came as Ash Ketchum!!! Bahaha

Tuesday: Hiphop vs. Country vs. Rock day ;D. I went as a rapping gangsta! I even had a light up money chain!!!

My Drama teacher came looking like a complete thug!!! Her husband is 6'3" and HUGE!!! So she wore his clothes...

Also we played Hagerty and won. F-yeahh!!!

Idk why but everyone was obsessed with that jello...

Wednesday (today): 10 years later day! I came in my volleyball uniform!!! I guess I'll still be playing volleyball when I'm 24 haha. I also went shopping with Hannah and her sister Becca for twin day tomorrow! We are going to be triplets instead XD. I'll post more photos tomorrow
Luv y'alls!! (why do I keep saying y'all??? (T . T))


Monica wearing Sam's huge earrings!!! Hahahaha love you monmon!!! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

PS: I might be doing a giveaway ;). Keep on the lookout for it :D

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