Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Drama comes to me like bullets!

Truly, I didn't know how to word the title. But the sick truth is, I really don't try to start crap.

Let's start with this picture:

Some are true, some aren't. Let's sort the truth from the anger.

1) I'm not self centered, I'm just sarcastic. I'm sorry you think that of me.

2) I never called Lisha a prostitute. In fact, I love Lisha's style even though you probably don't believe me. Also, there's no way in hell I call someone faggot. I hate that word because it's insulting many of my friends.

3) The "I'm 78% Asian" post was a quiz I got from another gals blog. Calm down. And if my blog is crap, why read it?

4) NO DUH! Most of my posts have pictures of me because this I write short posts. And if I don't like myself, then I have a problem.

5) Really? I have friends for life right here in Florida. IDGAF if the "world" likes me or not.

6) Yes, I called other people ugly. and I'm quite annoyed with myself for that.

7) And you wonder why I dislike braces? I agree about the braces part. They look like crap.

8) I never bullied anyone. If you think I bullied you, please tell me so I can apologize. Thanks

As a side note, WHY DO YOU ALL CARE ABOUT MY LIFE??? Live yours and stop wasting your time.

Geez, I hate drama. That's one of the reasons people kill themselves! And it all starts with stupid crap like this.

I'm just confused.

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