Monday, December 28, 2009

A Wonderful Christmas Time (part2)

Ok everyone! Time for part two!!!! This post is about the Christmas Eve church service :).

Like I said in the last post, I had just finished shopping at the mall for Christmas presents for my mom. Here's my conversation with my dad:

Dad: What church service do you want to go to?

Me: Grah! Do we really have to go? T_T

(He used his sturn voice)

Me: fine lah. Let's wait for mom to get home to decide when we will go!

Dad: No, you are going to decide here and now.

--all pressure looms down on me Z_z--

Me: Okay... Let's go to the eight o'clock service!

--mom walks in the door--

Dad: Great! Your mother is home! We will go to the five o'clock service ^^

---end of conversation---

WTF Dad! If you are going to choose it yourself, don't ask for my opinion! D:

To my suprise, when we got there, there were half as many cars as last year! In my head I was hoping there was actually no service right now and we could go home lor. With my luck, we walk up to the first guy we see and ask him if there's church today and of course he says yes! Grr. Why don't some people lie!?!

Just kidding :)

We walk inside and the WHOLE PLACE WAS PACKED! And this isn't one of those tiny community churches! This is a huge 3 story church! And there were only a few seats open!

We were about to go home when a guy told us he would move to give us a third seat. People in Florida are sooo nice!... And tan LOL

About in the middle of the service, also when I was close to falling asleep, the MC said," when I raise the candle during the next song, raise your lights." well I've done this oh so many times and I just thought big whoop! This was the turnout...

Isn't it so beautiful! Here's the stage!

It was all decked out in Christmas stuff and they had a statue of Mary Joseph and Jesus on stage! :3

My (fake) candle loh!

Lucky that isn't real or I would have burned my beautiful face!


After the service, we met up with an old friend of my dad and she took a picture of us in front of the church's Christmas tree! Grr! It took foreverrr for these two people to move!

When we got home, I helped my mom wrap my dad's presents. After all of our hard work, here is what our tree looks like!

Idk why there's a gap in the lights T_T other wise... IT'S AWESOME lor!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Wonderful Christmas Time (Part1)

Since I am to dang tired to do a post on my whole Christmas fun, I am going to divide it into three parts!

  • Christmas Eve Shopping
  • Christmas Eve at Church
  • Christmas!!!

-------------------------------------CHRISTMAS EVE!

On Christmas Eve, it was pretty much "Crazy Shopping at Last Minute" day! It was my dad and my shopping day and because of his job, this was our only day to shop for my mom before Christmas. We went to the Millennium Mall and started at Macy’s! I haven’t been shopping in forever because of school and I had a fashion frenzy when we went in Macy’s lor! I FREAKIN LOVE MACY’S!!!!!! 

At that time, I started running from clothes rack to clothes rack looking for stylish clothing for ME. Then my dad caught up with me and reminded me I was looking for Christmas presents for my MOM

THEN, my attention was drawn to the shiny greatness of --drumroll please---


I totally loved these chio diamond rings! Sorry about the lines on the picture. It comes from the glass case over the rings.

I persuaded my dad to buy me a pair of these beautiful diamond earrings! MUHAHAHAHA!
I was acting like a little kid. I was spinning the turntable looking at all the different birthstones!! My dad’s is especially beautiful! His is the December Blue Topaz.

Isn't his beautiful >_
An idea popped into my head! I wanted to get her a piece of jewelry with her birthstone on it! THAT’S PERFECT! She loves jewelry and it’s her birthstone. Her birthstone is the dark red January Garnet. I can’t tell the difference between my mom’s birthstone and my birthstone so I had to get a store worker to help me T_T. My birthstone is the July Ruby. It is a lighter color than the garnet.

I was led to the garnet section of the jewelry. I searched for the perfect one for my mom. I wanted one that she could wear anywhere. She could casually wear it or wear it to a elegant event. Then I saw this one.  

It was a garnet encircled by diamonds and was held together with  14 carrot gold. I knew that one was the right necklace right when I saw it! I knew she would love it!!! :D

My dad is such a dummy. Instead of taking my word for how my mom would like it, he goes around asking random people if they like the necklace.
I didn’t want to be there to be embarrassed so I went to go look like the rest of Macy’s. 

I started at the jewelry again!

More diamonds!

Aren’t these heart necklaces so kawaii! =D

Next are the watches. I didnt really like watches untill i started looking at these!

Heres another thing about me, I don’t really wear sun glasses... but I really love buying them! I really like the design of these!!!!

Vogue and Guess are two of my favorite brands!

After we bought the necklace, we didn’t have time to wrap the presents at home so we went to the wrapping station in the mall! All the people there were so nice! =D

Now that is some colorful trash LOL!

Here is the guy wrapping two of my mom’s presents! (They’re shirts!)

Here is two of my mom’s shirts! They are stacked on top of each other so you can’t see the other one.

The people wrapping the presents are freakin perfectionists so they were super slow! I started cam hoarding!!!

Finally they started to finish my mom's presents loh!!

Heres the first one!

I love the second one’s wrapping paper!


Here’s all three!

AIYAH! The third present is so kawaii!!!

So that is pretty much it for the Christmas shopping for a whole year =( 
WELL! I’ll try not to be a procrastinator next year T_T

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

App Review!!!: Twinkle, by Tapulous

Since I bought this app, I have encountered:



Perverts =O


•WHORES! >:-|

Sorry Tapulous but I

expected so much better of an app from you. Just keep making gaming apps

like TapTap Revenge! Those are a lot more popular!!!

So, I made a YouTube video on how much I hate this app...


Saturday, December 5, 2009

How to Get a Boyfriend

How to Get a Boyfriend
Are you ready to "go steady?" Here you'll find general instructions for how to get a boyfriend. While every person and every relationship is different, there are a few foolproof ways to help your chances of making it official.

Just be yourself. Guys do not like girls when they try to be someone else. Guys usually want to be with YOU, not a cheap imitation.
Make him feel comfortable. Guys have to do the nerve wrecking job of asking a girl out. You must give him the courage to ask you out. When you're talking to him, make sure you're talking to him and not looking around. Remember, it's not ok to be fake around him.
Think about what qualities you're looking for. Grab a piece of paper and write down some things that are attractive to you. Things such as brains, appearance, sense of humor (if it's for humor always laugh and smile at his jokes- but, if you don't think it's funny don't laugh or he will get the wrong impression), or sensitivity. Don't just like a guy because of his appearance.
Get outside, spread your wings, and do something with your life! You should sign up for a club or sport, but remember, don't do a sport because everybody else is doing it or just to flirt with guys. Do what you enjoy doing.
Stand out and impress the boy. To get noticed by a boy go up and start a conversation telling him your name, what school you go to, what your job is, etc. This will not only impress the boy, but it will show him that you're confident and self-reliant, which are very attractive qualities to see.
Get to know him. More often than not, girls become fixated with a fantasy that they know the guy can't fit into. Make sure you're not leading the boy on and show him how you feel. Remember that in a conversation you must talk AND listen. Show interest, as meeting new people should be interesting, but also remember to talk about your own hobbies during your conversations. Look for not only differences, but similarities as well!
Become a friend, but not immediately. Remember not to be fake, one day he will realize you're not being yourself. Slowly build up trust with this boy. More often than not, if you rush into things your heart will get broken. Boys may begin to think you're too aggressive if you move to fast which is a bad thing.
See if the boy likes you too. Read the signs.
NEVER pressure someone into liking you. This will push them away not bring them closer. If they like you they like you, if they don't they don't. When you're flirting with the boy, is he flirting with you? Flirting is always a good sign that someone likes you.
Show him how you can be an amazing friend. Instead of letting him see your unattractive features, show him what really makes you stand out! Get the most out of your appearance and brains, regardless of whether you're intelligent, unintelligent, pretty, and not so pretty. Show the boy who you really are.
Ask him out or keep repeating the steps above while he comes around on his own.
Boyfriends are nice to have. but sometimes it's easier to just wait until love finds you, because if you just continue to search for what you see on the outside, you might just have already passed by the man of your dreams. Even if he isn't extremely attractive. The things that last the longest take the longest to get. Appearance, wealth, and confidence aren't necessarily permanent, but goodness is forever. Don't go into a relationship trying to force the boy to be more like you. It won't happen and you're just kidding yourself.

Relax and act like yourself.
When you feel the time is right, ask him out, but don't wait too long or someone else might take him! What have you got to lose?
Before you make the move, make sure you aren't being sexually harassed because guys don't want to date girls if other guys take her as a free-for-all. If you are being harassed you got to end it, tell them to stop , do what ever it takes to get them off before you even THINK about dating!!!
Try and get to the point where you feel like you don't "need" a boyfriend, THEN they'll flock to you, confidence is the key.
You want to lower his risk that you will reject him.
Make it obvious that you like him. Guys can be a little slow here especially if they have been rejected before.
Letting him know you are not dating anyone else lowers the risk of rejection for the guy. The better guys will be turned off if they feel like you are trying to date everyone.
Resolve old hurts and disappointments. Make sure you're ready for a new relationship by setting aside any grievances about old boyfriends.
Sometimes what we want is right under our noses. There might be several guys in your life who've you've never been romantically interested in but who might make wonderful boyfriends. If you're looking for someone who's got more depth and dedication, and more than just popularity and good looks, reconsider where you're looking and who you're looking at.
Every time you see him, smile at him and give him a little wave.
This article is about how to get a boyfriend. Details about how to meet guys, look attractive, garner his interest, etc. can be found in the Related wikiHows below.
Guys can be slow to notice subtle clues. If he's not taking the hint, flat out ask him out!
Guys are complicated, some judge your appearance before your personality, make sure you don't get some guy who says he likes you, when really all he wants to do is stare at your body.
Always let your parents and your family know you have a boyfriend before you and a boy are involved with each other.
Always be open, truthful sensible and honest, not just yourself and your boyfriend, but also with parents and family as well- remember honesty, truthfulness, openness, and sensibility is always the best policy. Remember relationships only work on love, commitment, openness, trust, working things out together, and honesty.
Introduce your boyfriend to your parents. This doesn't have to be a big formal deal, but let them get to know him in a fun, informal setting.
Follow your heart and your instincts.
Signs of an abusive relationship - Spot the danger signs
Physical e.g. hitting, shoving, burning, kicking, restraining etc.
Verbal/Emotional e.g. shouting/yelling at you, name-calling, hurtful comments, telling you are a waste of space, useless, ridiculing, checking up on you all the time, constant criticizing and put-downs, hurtful teasing
Sexual e.g. forcing you/enticing you to have sex against your will/consent/wishes or any other form of sexual activity against your will/consent/wishes.
Never talk to a guy every day: he may just think you want to be his friend talk to him once a while then build but also show you have other guy friends.
Make sure that he is interested in you, and that you two make connections and have chemistry.
Make sure that he is someone that you would like to be around, get to know him. Never be to fast or pushy take things slow and see where it goes.
Try to spot someone that you want, then become friends with him.
never date someone just cause you can't get anyone else, just wait and the perfect boy will come round one day.
Try not to hang around guy-friends too much when trying to get a guy. If you get one/already have one don't hang around them too much. They might think you are cheating.
Try to become friends with the person you likes mates and so you will be off to a good start.
When he asks you out don't sound desperate just say "yeah,we could meet up tonight if you want",smile at him and walk off with your mates!

Keep the knowledge of you liking this boy a secret unless you have some friends that you absolutely trust.
Do not constantly flirt with the guy you like.
Guys act like they like that constant flirting, but often they don't!
Never do anything you wouldn't feel good with after the fact.
Choose a boyfriend carefully. You don't want to look back and regret having started something that ended in disaster.
Looking for a boyfriend just because you feel insecure (i.e. you want to look good with someone by your side, all of your friends have boyfriends, you just like being liked, etc.) is a recipe for broken hearts and wasted time. This could really hurt who becomes your boyfriend.
Don't be obnoxious and just try to be exactly yourself.
Make sure you get that part-listener part in there because guys don't like chatterboxes but also make sure you get that part-talker part in too because a conversation DOES involve two people!
When you get a boyfriend, don't feel pressured to have sex. If he asks you and you're not ready, refuse. You need a guy who will respect your decisions. Don't pressure him either.
When you're trying to attract a boy don't change. He will think you're acting fake and this will deter him from liking you.
Note how he interacts with others, his friends and others alike. You don't want to be stuck with a guy who's nice to certain people but a jerk otherwise.
Don't tell a lot of people if you like a boy. This will only cause problems if you get found out.
Give the guy some space.
Be careful if you have a friend that he used to date, because it might get nasty.
Don't become what you're not just to have something in common with him. For example: If he is emo, and you're not, don't try to change your look and attitude just to get his attention. Be yourself!
WARNING- do NOT take all of this advice, some of it is good, some of it is crap lol loh!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The World's an Animal!

In a series of illustrations entitled “Twelve Animals,” graphic artist Kentaro Nagai rearranges the world map to create the beasts of the Chinese zodiac. I thought this was soo cool when I found it because I wass looking for the regular cancer and libra and all that stuff. But what I found WAAAAAY more interesting! Hope you like it... I also hope you can tell that they are the Zodiac characters made out of the world continents lor!






                                                                Snake // Horse






The images shown here are high-contrast black-and-white photos of Nagai’s work, which is on display at the Japan Media Arts Festival at the National Art Center, Tokyo until February 15. SOOOOO! If you live near Tokyo... GO SEE IT LOH!