Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I HATE NEEDLES Jeez! I'm completely heathy and they just decide to prick my finger!!! Seriously! I have a low pain tolerance! Do the doctors get pricked??? How would they like it if I came in saying "Time to prick some fingers >:D" And this is why I hate going to physicals! BUT, I got a shiny band aid! I asked for pink and they gave me silver. WTF

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Sunday, June 27, 2010

100 Black Men 2010 and The Last Airbender!!!

A few weeks ago, I went to the 2010 100 Black Men (of Orlando) awards. It's where they give exceptional black students from Jones Highschool scholarships to college. I also went last year but that was last summer... before I started this blog. Really, it's pretty boring and I don't even eat the food because I'm such a dang picky eater ah. We left in the middle of the awards because it was taking so long.

Since I'm enjoying myself at the Disney Animal Kingdom Resort, which I will blog about after my birthday (in 9 days!), I will just list all of the photos without much captions. Sorry for the low quality. I forgot my digital camera at home and had to take pictures with my iPhone =__=.

My mom's coffee :3

And there's always time for camwhoring in the car

I was so tired that day that I barely put on any makeup. NOT EVEN EYELINER!!! Geez, don't excpect me to go to some huge dinner when I'm shleepy. I don't work that way.

Oh and like I mentioned before... MY BIRTHDAY IS IN 9 DAYS!!! I'll finally be 14!! That means I'm 2 years from my drivers license!
PLUS! The Last Airbender comes out in 5 days and I'm having my party on the same day! We're going to see ATLAB (avatar the last airbender)!!! It's my favorite show of all time! Then we come back to my house for swimming and sleepover :D.

I really hope that Florida's horribly random weather doesn't choose July 2nd to storm!!!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Photoshop CS5 Trial Fun

At the moment, I'm playing around with the free trial of Photoshop CS5 that i downloaded! Haha it's so fun and full of surprises! Tomorrow I think I'll try editing my photo's to make my skin flawless :D. I totally want the full version for my birthday, which is in 11 days!!!). Here's a little something that I made for no exact reason. ;)

As always, click the photo for the full size :)


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Blog Malfunction

For about a week now, I've noticed that my right sidebar on my blog has disappeared. Until I can figure out a way to fix it. Now I moved all of that stuff to the left side bar.

By the way, did anyone see the latest America's Got Talent episode?! If not, there was a masked man who fell off stage while auditioning! I was effing hilarious. Just watch this video...

Friday, June 18, 2010

Oh My I'm Clumsy

You know I thought my clumsiness dissapeared!

I guess not.

In the past few days, I broke two toes, jammed two fingers, tripped over air a dozen times, faceplanted three times, choked, bruised my hip, and did something to my knee but I'm not sure what.

Now if I'm not clumsy, I don't know who the hell is. I thought I was Sharona: Princess of blogging; queen of awesomeness. Well I'm wrong.


Sharona: Princess of blogging; Queen of awesomeness; Emperess of clumsiness.

OH! and I'm the heir to the thrown of the Empire of Trampolini!!!

Just so you know, I'm tired and haven't blogged due to volleyball so I'm filling the space with this random post ;)

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Heck yeah! I'm blogging from an iPad!!! Sadly I'm only at the apple store. :(

Hopefully I'm getting one for my birthday as well as Photoshop... so I can make my piccies pretty beast ;)

By the way, check out my new vlog :D

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Moving Up Dance

AHHH I'LL MISS ALL OF YOU!!! The dance was so much fun and it really was a night too gangster... I MEANT GOOD, to be forgotten. Too bad the themed shirts were horrid. =__=

My stomach hurts at the moment so I'm just going to list the photos :)

The outfit :)



Original 9 in THE group ;)

Circle of friendship on the last song ♥

My bffls ;)

My bestie Carson :)

After the dance :)

I love you guys! ♥
Here comes highschool ;)

Revive the Gulf!

As you know Bp is ruining many lives:
-The Ocean's life
-The Wildlife's life
-Our Summer lives
-The Earth's life


Lately I have been really pissed off because I'm sitting at home, watching TV and I'll turn the channel to the news station to see some manager or president of Bp talking about the oil spill on TV! This makes me so angry because instead of them talking about their company falling, how about they go help stop all of the dang oil from ruining the oceans and killing oceanlife. UGH! They have found way too many dead animals because of this. It makes me sick. Especially since the person in charge of making sure everything was working clearly that something was broken and continued the regular procedures of the day. Thanks to them, now the Gulf is dying. Lets's join together to spread the word and help revive the gulf. I started taking action after I got and email from Bloggers Unite about bloggers taking action to spread the word on how you can help the Gulf. I suggest all bloggers to take some time to visit
BloggersUnite for The Gulf // Bloggers Unite and submit your post on the road to Reviving the Gulf.

Here's a few links you can visit on more ways to help:


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Yes Dance!

This stuff is the shiz. Thank you Carson for showing me this last year ♥

Dane Cook Addiction

Yes, ever since my friend played a Dane Cook podcast, I have been addicted to him!

But you have to admit, this dude is effing hilarious! If you've never heard of him, get to YouTube or iTunes and look him up! You wont regret it. Oh and look up "BK Lounge." It's one of my favorites :D

Friday, June 4, 2010

Shopping for the M.U. Dance!

OH MY GOSH. The Moving Up dance is today and I'm shopping like crazy! I had to go shopping for dresses, shoes, accesories, and bags! Also, I'm getting my nails done at the moment!

I finally found the perfect dress yet it was to loose to dance in. THEN! The girls in the dressing rooms next to me, who took up all the dresses for no reason, had the smaller size and have it to me. Great right? NO! The had ripped the back of it a little and you could see my back!!! I was devistated. Then, the lady working there just assumed that my mom had a sowing machine an started ranting on about how easy it was to fix with a sowing machine! FINALLY, she told me to just get the other size and go and buy a padded bra to keep it up. Funny, she could have told up this IN THE BEGINNING!

Next came the shoes! I. HATE. SHOPPING. FOR. SHOES. They never have my size! Because of my tallnes (5'10"), I have to wear a size eleven in shoes and they NEVER hav my size in the shoes I want. BUT! DSW is my savior! That place is the shiz.

Now all I need to do is get my hair done and I'M READY!

Since I love my readers so much, here's a sneek peek at the dress. ;)

Thursday, June 3, 2010


YES!!!!!!!!! It's finally summer!!!! I finished exams today and now i'm free! That means...

Omg it was also my last day at Trinity! I'm going to miss my friends there :(. Although Leanne's "after exams" pool party was fun :3

Also! I played my first varsity volleyball game today :D. Haha I was so freaked out =__=" 

PLUS! The Last Airbender comes out in theatres on July 2nd and I MUST SEE IT!!! Avatar is my favorite show of all times!!!!! They better make it good or I be P.Oed! 

ANNNNNNNND! The 8th grade Moving Up Dance is tomorrow!!! I can't wait!!! I have to get my nails done + hair, get shoes and accesories! Such a busy schedule! 

After, I have tryouts for the Orlando High Performance team all weekend and I'm so friggin nervous! Wish me luck ;)

Here is a picture of me dress shopping for the dance!

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos