Thursday, March 18, 2010

TPS 8th Grade Trip to Busch Gardens!!!

Yeahhh! It's the field trip I've waited for since 6th grade! BUSCH GARDENNNNNNNNNS!!!!! Here's the other trips:

6th Grade: Mideval Times (I got a rose from a knight there!)lol

7th Grade: Seaworld!!! I rode Escape from Atlantis! WOOT!

And now Busch Gardens! A little fact about me:

I. Don't. Ride. Rollercoasters.

Yes, very suprising! It's not that I dislike rollercoasters, it's the fact that my stomach can't handle drops! No I don't throw up! I ust have the stomach rising feeling! So I ended up riding all the water rides!!! Haha it was freezing on the water rapids! We rode that ride 8 times! Everyone totally tried to get me on Shekra. Gah, I've rode it before and HATED IT! It has an effing 90 degree drop =__=.

Anyways, I haven't had a chance to upload all the photos to my computer yet so I'll put them up later. But I do have a photo of the adorable giraffe plushie I bought!

Sharona ♡'s giraffes :3

Ps. This is the 3rd post in a day!!!

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