Thursday, February 4, 2010

Goodbye Piinkcess, Hello Sharona!

I'm sure if you've looked at my blog in the past two days you've noticed a few changes. Some of them would be like:
-me changing my Twitter name
-my new award nomination
-my new link

and something else... oh yeah! My new pen name! For those who don't know, before I was Sharona, my pen name was Piinkcess.

There's a number of reasons why I changed it but my biggest reason is that it felt childish to me! When I get older, people aren't going to take someone called Piinkcess serious! I wanted a more grown name. One that more people would respect.

Well it may seem like it took me forever to create a new name. Well sorry to dissapoint you but it took only 5 hours. The first hour was me randomly thinking of names that seemed grown. That didn't help. The next three hours, I was rapidly searching Google and Ask for good pen names for bloggers. That didn't work out either! The last hour of me looking for a good pen name was me sitting in my bedroom with a notebook and a pen writing down names and switching around the letters. By then I was desperate! It was then when I wrote my aunt's name down and added the letter 'a.' Here is an equation for the math geeks :P
Sharon + a = Sharona!

And that's how the name Sharona was born into my life! So now I am no longer Piinkcess: the piink princess; I am now...
SHARONA!: the awesome blogging teen!

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