Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My New Guinea Pig

Before I start talking about my new pen name, I have a new pet!

A guinea pig!
I got her on satayrday from Petsmart! It took forever for me to name her! But I finnaly thought she looked kinda like a coconut and I named her that! For short, I call her Coco :D

I was so upset about Vanilla dying that I needed anther pet to cheer me up. Yes, I know I sound greedy. When I first went to Petsmart after school on Friday, I rushed to the small animals section and there on display were three outrageously cute guinea pigs! One was black and white and super fuzzy! Another was black and brown and eating a carrot. Then, I saw 'THE ONE.' The last one was brown, white, and blonde and running around the cage like a mad woman! That's when I knew she was the right guinea pig for me. Wow, I sounded like a lovestruck twilight fan haha! *feels the irony*

Sadly, I was short on time and I couldn't get her just yet. I was so upset when the workers said I couldn't reserve Coconut. I vowed to myself that I would wake up at 8:45 and get to Petsmart right when it opens.

The next day...
I woke up at 8:45 and of course I had to drag my mom out of bed to drive me there! I legit SPRINTED inside the store to see that no one had claimed her yet! A lady named Tonya, who worked at the store, remembered me from the day before.

Tonya was uber nice and was really helpful because she had two guinea pigs herself. She helped me get all the supplies and gave really good tips on how to take care of them. I found out they also poop a lot...

When Tonya went into the huge guinea pig habitat and picked up Coco and handed her to me. I cuddled her close to me and she FELL ASLEEP! It was the cutest thing ever! I felt so horrible when I had to put her in a take home box. She looked so sad :(

Finally when I got home, I had a total blonde moment and tried setting up her cage upside down T_T. When I got that set up, I had to:
-put in the bedding
-put her PINK house in
-put her food and food bowl in
-put up the hay holder
-fill up the hay holder with hay
-put in the water bottle...

...and put her in her cage. That was the hard part. Thinking she would be calm like before and lay in my arms again, the spazzed out and jumped into the cage. She then proceded to hide BEHIND her house and not IN it.

Sadly I had to go finish a project at a friends house. When I got back, she was still hiding!

After a few hours, she went into her house. I then called petsmart and asked why she acted so wierd. They then told me that because she's only two months old and is in a new home, that she would be very scared and shy. They also told me that she wouldn't let me hold her for the first week or so.

In an attempt to show Coco she was safe here, I sat on the ground next to her cage for a hour and showed her that everything was ok. It ACTUALLY WORKED! She came out of her house and started to eat and drink water and explore the cage. Then I tried to stand and she sprinted back in her house!

On Sunday, she actually let me hold her for the first time at home!

I felt so acomplished!

I also found out guinea pigs are photogenic too! Haha I had to camwhore her :3

That would have to be my favorite photo of her! I totally pwned the petsmart people's expectations :P.

Up until now, she let's me hold her all the time! She has also learned how to make that cute little guinea pig noise they make all the time!
This made my day better because her picture is the first one ever taken on my new iPhone 3g S! My old iPhone broke!

I will be adding more piccies of Coconut soon so stay tuned :)

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