Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Hey, guys, LAST DAY TO VOTE!!!

Go vote now *pleeeeease*
remember, it's this blog and my twitter that's in the bwa's!!! 
Go vote :D http://blackweblogawards.com

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Black Downside...

Hair. Black people hair is the worst to work with X__x

Monday, August 23, 2010

Letter to Beate :)

>_< I miss you too!!! They don't have orchestra at my new school so I'm having to practice at home! I played potc and rp yesterday ;)
How's Leili and Mrs (idk if I should say Ms. or not :-/) May??? OH MY GOD I MISS YOU GUYS!!!!! D:
When the next ATLAB movie comes out, we are def going to see it so we can comment on how horrible it is :)
And you're a 7th grader now! :D haha the worst grade eva!!!!! You'll live... I hope...
Well anyways, if you're still blogging comment then write a response on your blog :D. If not, email me or text me anytime :3
Also have you watched Death Note??? If not, you need to.

Your stand buddy, big sista, and awesomness,

Briye &hearts ;P

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Lovely Blog-sa Update

Sorry! I'm overflowing with  weekend homework wtf so I can only do a small update ://

Me: My first week of highschool was sooo fun. I've already made sooo many friends :D
Chaudie: Sew SUPER SOFT hairspray :D
Jen: Emoda fashion video!
Len: Electric Trash Rokku magazine
Lu: Big giveaway :)
Shahana: New decoden ^^
Fuyume: New Purikura!
Alicia: Her style update 2.0
Suzanne: Her new falsies uber cute :)
Ayame: Camwhoringggg! :)
Elena: Pampered Thursday

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

First Week of Highschool!!!

I feel like a biatch for not updating sooner but I've been so crazed and exited over my first few days of highschool that I've have no time to waste! So here's how my classes are!

Drama: YES! My first period of the day!!! It starts my day of happy and in my favorite class!

Ap Geography: I love my teacher and class! Mrs. Bignall is sooo nice.

Honors Geometry: Not as fun mostly because I hate math. There was a stack of cubes in our class that resembled a penis (Talylor's favorite word) and all the guys immediately became super immature and started laughing...
Well, boys will be boys--- sadly.

Spanish 2: This class is alway FREEZING! I don't even know why??? But so far I like my class and teacher yet we have learned nothing so far.

Honors Biology: I LOVE MRS. CICCARELLO!!! It's pronounced CHICK-A-REH-LOH so a lot of people just call her Mrs. Chick lol. BUT! My class is awesome (of course) so we gave her the awesome nick name of Mrs. Chicca-wow-wow haha. It's like Bow chicka-wow-wow wtf. Haha anyways...

Honors English: I like Mr. Hutchinson but I'm not sure if he likes my class... at all...

Volleyball: It's basically a free period where we play volleyball or do homework. Since I made varsity, we get ready for practice then have free time. Funny story:

So me, Emily, Becca, and Maegan are walking to the front office to get Em's new schedule copied. So we pass two guys standing at the desk and they say,"Hiii," really high pitched and soft. So Maegan say hi back like wtf. So the front desk lady tells us to go to bookkeeping and so we walk past again and they say,"Bye," really soft again. But when we turn to look back at them, we see them staring at our butts (we're in spandex). So Becca say,"woooow" and we walk like 5 more steps to bookkeeping. THEN, one we get there, the lady's door is locked for the scanner so we stand there discussing how annoying it is. So, as we're talking, we all get quiet because those guys from before walk right past us and right before he passed me, I saw his head turning. SO WE TURN AROUND AGAIN AND THEY'RE STARING HEAD ON AT OUR A$$ES AGAIN! (excuse my language eml). This time Maegan, being the senior and all, goes,"WOOOW GUYS! WAY TO BE IMMATURE!!!" and Becca says,"REALLY??? JUST, REALLY???" ---

That was such a funny story to tell the rest of the team XD. Like I said earlier, boys will be boys and stare at your a$$ eml.

Also, I met loads of new friends :)

BTW: My Lovely Blog-sa Bost will be soon!!! And I'm still searching for my camera cable! DX

ALSO: I'm working on a new singing project called Diamond (to go with my new blog project DiaGyaru). So suscribe to me HERE!!!


AND LAST: I'm so proud of my self for waking up each morning for school on my own accord and before my parents to get my makeup and clothes ready. Usually I would slap the person to wake me up early then sleep again, but I'm actually wide awake to high five to me!!! ^^


When I went to buy school supplies, of course I got off course and I bought this box for my makeup so I could take it all out of that garbage can of a makeup bag.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Camwhoring Coco

The camera just loves coco. She's an eye candy ♥

Geez, what a fattie ♥
Haha but she's soooooo kawaii ^^

School Orientation Tomorrow :D

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Varsity Volleyball!!!

Why yes. I made the varsity volleyball team ^_^!!! Aren't you proud!!!

Even though I'm a freshie, I'm already used to playing with them since I've been practicing and playing in games with them this whole summer XD

Wish me luck ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
6 days until my first day of high school!!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Lovely Blog-sa Update!

Chaudie | Jen | Len | Lu | Tini | Sharona | Shahana | Fuyume | Alicia | Suzanne | Ayame | Elena

Check Out the Open Invite Here

Check out the links and join the group! We're a gyaru blog circle! So if you love gal fashion and have a blog, join us! :)


Me: I getting ready for school next monday! It's going to be my first day of high school! I'm currently in volleyball tryouts. Hopefully I'm on varsity! Also, I'm designing my new blog that I'm most likely going to move to after the Black weblog awards (VOTE FOR ME)!

Chaudie: Telling everyone exactly how she feels about the blogger Xiaxue in her post 'Xiaxue is...' I totally agree with her thoughts!

Jen: Talking about her wonderfull day at Newport Beach! It sounds beautifull! now I want to be there haha!

Len: Oh my god. I just love her new head band!!! Its yuba kawaii >.

Lu: Online Eyeko Shopping!!! She just got some new Eyeko make up and merchandise with such fast delivery!!! I'm definitely going to have to get the mascara that she bought!

Tini: New shops! Plus a Tsubasa themed giveaway!!! Now that has me interested :3. Also, she revamping her blog ^^.

Shahana: The makeup and flower dress look awesome on you!!! Don't doubt your body vs. age! Show off what your mama gave ya lmao!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

NOTE: I can't do my summer posts about my vacation and birthday yet because my camera usb cord went MIA. When I find it, hopefully soon, I'll just make one huge summer post! That makes my pile of work way easier! T^T

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

F Class Haters

This is kinda random but I read this awhile now but now it's starting to piss me about how many lies they spread. Bah, just need to let it out (T ^ T)

(click to see full size)

So this person decides to go onto my music blog and read my cbox where me and one of my best friends had a convo:


Brittany: HECK NO! It'll take me FOREVER to learn all the words to jpop song!!!

Okay so they take the pleasure to go and interpret what I said. Too bad they made themselves sound like idiots.

Of course you don't have to be Japanese to sing in that language! That's a no-brainer. In my case though, I can speak some Japanese yet (before I wrote on my cbox) the last time I tried to learn a song from an anime, I epic failed... ( ̄◇ ̄;)
Well now it's uber easy because I've been watching anime like crazy (as you saw in one of my recent posts)! Even Beate has troubles learning Japanese songs (I think :-/). My haters are F Class. It's the lowest grade in school.

Well whatevvs. I feel better after letting that out haha. I must be preeeety important to've had a hate site lmao ♪( ´▽`)
Bye, I'm craving Super Paper Mario on the wii (^-^)/

PS: Remember to vote for meeee http://blackweblogawards.com! ^^

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Are you proud of me!?! Why you ask? Well, there's a very simple answer to that:


Well, I didn't make the cut for all the categories I wanted but I am sooooooo very thankful that all of you voted to get me into the following categories:

 Best Teen Blog

I LOVE YOU ALL for voting for me this whole time! I didn't even think I would get this far! But you all came through for me and got me to the finals! I deeply thank you for this.

Now I ask you to vote for me one more time in the finals so I can win in those categories. Also I received a few email's from readers wondering if you had to be Black to vote in the Black Weblog Awards. My answer to them is NO! You can be of any race to vote.

Anyways, when you vote, just keep scrolling until you find the two categories in the voting form and click on the little bubble beside my option!
Again, thank you and keep voting!!! ^^

Side note: The Black Weblog awards is trying to raise at least $15,000 this year to be able to have a live awards ceremony with trophiesstreaming video, and a private, catered reception next year in 2011! You can donate as little as $1 to help them reach their goal! Click here for more information on donating!