Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Black Downside...

Hair. Black people hair is the worst to work with X__x


  1. Aha you ROCK ! Yeah you right, our hair is really something ~ but what makes us differents makes us beautiful ^.^
    Oh and I'm a new member in our Blog-sa !

    Have a delicious day (or night ? XD) ~

  2. whaaat?
    are you kidding me?
    I wish Asian hair could stand up like that!
    Our hair either has to be extremely damaged or teased and hairsprayed with no mercy to even stay that high xD

  3. Yes! Our hair is crazy... CRAZY AWESOME! XD and nice to meetcha :)

  4. Pshh my hair wasn't done at all. That's me waking up and taking off my hair band XD haha it's crazed
