Wednesday, August 18, 2010

First Week of Highschool!!!

I feel like a biatch for not updating sooner but I've been so crazed and exited over my first few days of highschool that I've have no time to waste! So here's how my classes are!

Drama: YES! My first period of the day!!! It starts my day of happy and in my favorite class!

Ap Geography: I love my teacher and class! Mrs. Bignall is sooo nice.

Honors Geometry: Not as fun mostly because I hate math. There was a stack of cubes in our class that resembled a penis (Talylor's favorite word) and all the guys immediately became super immature and started laughing...
Well, boys will be boys--- sadly.

Spanish 2: This class is alway FREEZING! I don't even know why??? But so far I like my class and teacher yet we have learned nothing so far.

Honors Biology: I LOVE MRS. CICCARELLO!!! It's pronounced CHICK-A-REH-LOH so a lot of people just call her Mrs. Chick lol. BUT! My class is awesome (of course) so we gave her the awesome nick name of Mrs. Chicca-wow-wow haha. It's like Bow chicka-wow-wow wtf. Haha anyways...

Honors English: I like Mr. Hutchinson but I'm not sure if he likes my class... at all...

Volleyball: It's basically a free period where we play volleyball or do homework. Since I made varsity, we get ready for practice then have free time. Funny story:

So me, Emily, Becca, and Maegan are walking to the front office to get Em's new schedule copied. So we pass two guys standing at the desk and they say,"Hiii," really high pitched and soft. So Maegan say hi back like wtf. So the front desk lady tells us to go to bookkeeping and so we walk past again and they say,"Bye," really soft again. But when we turn to look back at them, we see them staring at our butts (we're in spandex). So Becca say,"woooow" and we walk like 5 more steps to bookkeeping. THEN, one we get there, the lady's door is locked for the scanner so we stand there discussing how annoying it is. So, as we're talking, we all get quiet because those guys from before walk right past us and right before he passed me, I saw his head turning. SO WE TURN AROUND AGAIN AND THEY'RE STARING HEAD ON AT OUR A$$ES AGAIN! (excuse my language eml). This time Maegan, being the senior and all, goes,"WOOOW GUYS! WAY TO BE IMMATURE!!!" and Becca says,"REALLY??? JUST, REALLY???" ---

That was such a funny story to tell the rest of the team XD. Like I said earlier, boys will be boys and stare at your a$$ eml.

Also, I met loads of new friends :)

BTW: My Lovely Blog-sa Bost will be soon!!! And I'm still searching for my camera cable! DX

ALSO: I'm working on a new singing project called Diamond (to go with my new blog project DiaGyaru). So suscribe to me HERE!!!


AND LAST: I'm so proud of my self for waking up each morning for school on my own accord and before my parents to get my makeup and clothes ready. Usually I would slap the person to wake me up early then sleep again, but I'm actually wide awake to high five to me!!! ^^


When I went to buy school supplies, of course I got off course and I bought this box for my makeup so I could take it all out of that garbage can of a makeup bag.

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