Wednesday, August 4, 2010

F Class Haters

This is kinda random but I read this awhile now but now it's starting to piss me about how many lies they spread. Bah, just need to let it out (T ^ T)

(click to see full size)

So this person decides to go onto my music blog and read my cbox where me and one of my best friends had a convo:


Brittany: HECK NO! It'll take me FOREVER to learn all the words to jpop song!!!

Okay so they take the pleasure to go and interpret what I said. Too bad they made themselves sound like idiots.

Of course you don't have to be Japanese to sing in that language! That's a no-brainer. In my case though, I can speak some Japanese yet (before I wrote on my cbox) the last time I tried to learn a song from an anime, I epic failed... ( ̄◇ ̄;)
Well now it's uber easy because I've been watching anime like crazy (as you saw in one of my recent posts)! Even Beate has troubles learning Japanese songs (I think :-/). My haters are F Class. It's the lowest grade in school.

Well whatevvs. I feel better after letting that out haha. I must be preeeety important to've had a hate site lmao ♪( ´▽`)
Bye, I'm craving Super Paper Mario on the wii (^-^)/

PS: Remember to vote for meeee! ^^

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