Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My Top 11 Asian Blogs (I picked randomly!)

I wouldn't really call this my top eleven. I mean, some are in that list but others are just random friends from Twitter. Haha I don't know half of them wtf!

I'm I WANTED to do ten blogs but then I realized I had ten and forgot one! So it's eleven now!

I only found out about her blog in December but I really love get blog! Cheesie does many adverts and tutorials like her Cheat One TM and she does Photoshop tutorials.

Of course she also blogs about her life and her two dogs Cheddie and Koyuki. Her blog design is fantastic!

PS: she is also thre reason my readership skyrocketed yesterday to 1660 views! All in 2 hours! Thanks Cheesie!

I first found out about her on Twitter lol. One of my random follows lor.

I liked her blog because it was simple and she is great at writing and keeping a person interested.

She blogs about her life as well as events going on in society.

I LOVE HER VIDEOS!!! ♥♥♥♡♡♡♡♥

Rice Bunny is WONDERFUL and talented when it comes to makeup. Her YouTube videos about doing different makeup styles for different ocassions are wildly popular!

She does cool videos on how to look like common characters in life like Lady Gaga, Barbie, Sailor Moon, etc. etc. etc!

I am hooked like crack lmao!

Sixthbane is a funny girl who I, AGAIN, found on twitter haha!

She blogs about life and uses many photos as well and words to express her daily life.

I've been trying to figure out if she has a weblog or photolog... Until I hear from her, she will have a....... WEBPLOG! fail

Another girl with an awesome blog template that i ENVYYYY

Her blog is more of a weblog but she also uses pictures too.

If you are anything like me and have bad grammar as a pet peev, you may not want to go to her site because she has a teeny tiny grammar problemo :P

Otherwise I really like her blog AND design T_______T


Of couse I must mention her because I find so many similarities between us wtf!

If you don't like my big ego, smart ass, bitchy attitude, you probably won't like Xiaxue either. We are both jokingly egoistic XD

If you are anti-color-pink. Get off my blog now and go jump off a cliff. We both are obsessive over the color pink... even though I'm sure I love pink more :P. I even wore pink false eylashes to school la!!! Viva la rosa! (hee hee I'm learning Spanish XD)

I think the big differences between us is...

-Height! I'm five feet ten and she's probably four feet something lol!

-Race! Well kinda, I'm part Asian but I guess since I just call my self Afro-american... It's a HUGE difference!

-Age! Now that's a big duh! I'm so much younger than her! She is twenty-five, while I'm thirteen (fourteen this year)! I feel like the freakin fountain of youth XP. no offence xiaxue ;)

Audrey is a funny blogger who loves to say WTF! hence the irony.

She is another shorty!!! Lol obviously she's 4' 9"!

I found her blog a few weeks ago... over twitter... And loved it!
She blogs about her daily life and does shitloads of adverts!

*excuses moi my language T_T


Miyako is another random blogger I found on *drumroll please*.... TWITTER!

I just found her blog last week but I like it so it ended up in this list :)

She is a big photoblogger and uses more pictures than words to express her feelings and daily life.

I also like her blog design very much as well as the photos :3 veerry kawaii :P

Random thought: she is also prettyful lol XD

Ichigo's blog is rather... Well... SPARKLY!! haha!

She loves rhinestones and diamonds and charms and anything you could use to bling an accesory.

I you have seen her blog, you would know she loves photography and nails! She loves to bling her nails like a Japanese cell phone haha!

Jacey is a very photogenic socialite XP
She is a huge photoblogger and has a nice blog design.

She's another twitter person!! Woot woot for all the people I found on Twitter :3

She uses little wording and expresses herself with photos

Yes, most people like her because she pretty and because she got into a random fight with Xiaxue. Really, I don't think she's that pretty in most photos.

Sorry Dawn but your blog is BORING!!! I get sleepy just reading it. The only reason I like it is because it's sincere and nice. And I like the blog design.

But really, you need to spice up you wording or soon, PEOPLE WILL FORGET YOU (maybe not the random men who stalk you)!


I am fabulous.

~ that would be all ;)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

In memory of Vanilla ♡

As you know, my beloved gerbil died yesterday. I have cried ever since. Especially when the vet told me there was nothing I could do to save her life.

I also had a gerbil named Blackberry and she was Vanilla's roomate and bestfriend. She passed away last year. She loved to chew on anything in her reach... Including me lol. The wierd thing is...


Here are some photos I took of them before their dates:

Me and Blackberry... who was chewing on a sock I gave her haha

Haha I remember when she ran across the room and jumped into the sock! It was so cuuute!

Vanilla just woke up and came out of her house :)

Shleepy heaaad :3

Vanilla found a tasty sunflower seed. Sunflower seeds were their favorite food!

They always used to sleep curled up together! It was cute so I always took so many photos!

Food time!


Blackberry and vanilla will always be remembered in my life and I will never forget the joy they brought me :). Dang, I'm crying again!

I will always love them because even when they were old and had only seconds to live, they kept fighting until the end <3. Both of them died in my arms and that feels really sincere to me.

F*** all the losers who say I neglected them. They were the joy of my life. I did everything to make their life better than a solidary glass wall in Petsmart. Die you dumb*****

My little troopers: have fun in heaven :) because I know you will be happier there. You have reunited again ♥

New Eye Colors!

This is sooo late but I felt like posting these since they are pretty cool!
So before  my December orchestra concert I felt very photogenic and wanted to take some photos! I accidentally deleted the originals but here is the first one.

As you can see, I edited my eyes from hazel to a beautiful bright green! I also added pink blusher and blue eye shadow!

This one gives me a forest like feeling LOL. I edited them bright green and added green eyeshadow.

This is a more intense blue and I put purple eye shadow this time! This next photo may catch you by  suprise =)

Before you judge me!, I was watching Twilight when I made this so I thought, ” OOOH! Let’s make me look like a vampire from the volturi clan >:)” On this photo, I OBVIOUSLY edited my eyes bright red, added red blusher, made my lips red!

I did this all with an iPhone or iPod Touch app called aBeauty Pro. I love this app because you can edit your eyes, the eye makeup, put blusher, and you can put lipstick. PLUS! You can make it pretty much any color! GO BUY IT!!! Its FREE so go get it NOWWW!

Monday, January 25, 2010

R.I.P Vanilla~

she died...

She's Almost Gone...

I really want to cry right now. This is what happened...

I was about to leave my house to go to my volleyball tournament in orlando when I picked up vanilla to say goodbye. I was about to put her back into her cage when suddenly, SHE JUMPED OUT OF MY HAND!

I started freaking out when she hit the floor and started to twist and kick her legs like crazy. I put her limp body back into her cage and she kept kicking her legs like a mad woman.

When I got home from my tournament, I rushed over to her cage to find her legs covered and her eyes closed. Luckily she was still breathing. She was just asleep.

Up until now, shes been asleep and twitching and hasn't woken up.

I think she is in a coma!!!

I'll send updates later...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

My VERY FIRST EPISODE of Guide to Fabulosity!!!

This is my new web show called Piinkcess' Guide to Fabulosity! As you can see in the video above, I completed one of my new years resolutions!!! That would be figuring out how to use iMovie!!!!!!!!!!!

My replacement resolution is to STOP MAKING MY VOICE HIGHER when I am being recorded! It's my person pet peeve to myself. 

Well I am trying to make my videos and get them uploaded to

and youtube...

and get much more traffic to my blog and become more awesome. OMG... I'm already super awesome so that means I am... UBER AWESOME! Goodbye to stupid old super popular


Stay piinked!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My VERY LATE New Year's Resolutions!

I know this is SUPER UBER LATE but I really wanted to post my resolutions and stop being lazy! Heyy! That's on my list! Some of my resolutions are rather... random so stick with me :)


I will blog as often as I can! I love blogging so I want to do it more! I will do my best to keep this one but I have such a busy schedule now!!!:
~volleyball practice
~volleyball tournaments
~Guide to fabulosity

OH EM GEEE! I just realized my schedule was bigger than I thought T_T.
Also! My mom recently went crazy on me saying,"Blogging is a waste of time when you should be studying!!! You need to stop playing on the computer!!!" AHHHHHHH! I love my mom but sometimes she drives me crazy! Just for the reccord, my last three blog posts have been behing her back so SHH!


I just made a new Internet Television show on two days ago and I must be proactive and make videos EVERYWHERE I go. Oh, by the way, my show is called Piinkcess' Guide to Fabulosity! I think the name suits me since I'm so fabulous :). I'm trying to upload a new episode every week or two... Another thing to add to my already busy schedule T_T. Here's the link to my show. BEWARE! I have only one video right now FML.


I MUST MUST MUST learn how to use iMovie on my new MacBook!!!!!!! I don't understand it at all and if I want my Web Show to be totally awesome, I have to know how to use iMovie!


I will stop being such a procrastinator! THIS IS MY BIG PROBLEM! if I don't do this, all my other resolutions fail!
Example: I just did my whole math project, that I had two weeks to work on, ALL TONIGHT!! It's due tomorrow!


I will $ave money!!! I have no idea why I'm doing this!!! I already have a FREE web designer so... Screw this...


My goal is to get 200+ blog followers by my birthday (July 6)!!! I think this is daily easy though! People seem to like my blog so maybe I should challenge myself and do 400...


Get my second ear piercing! I really wanted to do this last year but my dad freaked out when I mentioned it! He thinks I should stay "normal". What part of me is "normal". Nice try daddio ;)


Another parent story! I've been wanting to either get my hair dyed lighter or get light brown highlights. Yep, you guessed it! My dad flipped. He keeps saying nonsence like,"No one touches the baby's hair." Yeah, he calls me the baby. WTF! I'm their oldest child! Haha JK! I'm both! I'm an only child! But I plan on dying it the next time I get my hair done :D


I must get an A+++ in science.


~Best Blog of All Time (I'm tied for first right now)
~Best Pop Culture Blog (I'm in first!)
~The 'Blogitzer' (I'm in first!!)
If you don't vote, I will track you down and torture you >:) JK
BUT! Please do vote for this blog because it would mean so much to me! PLUS, I LOVE WINNING!!!! The links are in my sidebar!


My nails are so friggin short!!! My point is, I need to stop biting my nails after they grow! It annoys me when I do that because it takes F O R E V E R for them to grow and I just chomp away! Grrr! I thought I solved this brobled last year :(

YES I DO plan to keep to all of my resolutions! It will make me a better person, blogger, vlogger, and socialite! Maybe I'll try to shorten my schedule a wee bit lol! That would really help!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

7 Places I Must Go Before I'm 30

I was thinking of all the wonderful places I want to visit before I turn 30 and I thought,"Hmm! Maybe I should blog about it and maybe it will come true sooner!"

My first is...

#1: SINGAPORE!!! Woot! I really want to visit the city in this picture! It looks really pretty!

#2/ #3: My next would have to be Tokyo, Japan! I LOVE MANGA! Luckily I speak some Japanese so that works out well! I also want to visit the beautiful Rainbow Bridge.

#4: Hong Kong, China! Idk! I really just want to go there haha!!?

#5: Seoul is up next! Well in 5th grade, I was obsessed with Korea and everything Korean! I also want to visit a few of my friends there... HI SEOKYOUNG!

#6: If you're American, I'm sure you recongnize this! It's totally Hollywood, California! I'm so upset I never went there while I lived in California!

#7: Here's another California hot spot... Beverly Hills! Molly inspired me to want to visit there. Haha it's seems nice -and expensive- there T_T.

Too bad for me... I love traveling but... I HATE PLANES!!! Dang my fears!!! Ugh, I must overcome that before I'm 30... Or else!

My 1st False Eylashes!!!

Today is a new holiday! It's called...

Ok, maybe not but I will celebrate this day forever! I'm sure you can guess why i'm saying this. The title explains it all! Today, I finally convinced my mom to buy me some fake eyelashes!!!

Yep! Too bad I don't know where to wear them :-/. Cruddd! This is my only pair so I don't want to use them... Omg! I hope I can reuse them :O

I think I'm going to cam whore them! Haha

Still sitting in their case!

I'm modeling them!

Their own photoshoot haha!!

No eylashes have ever been loved this much lol


Close up!!

Sitting on the extensions!

UGH! Someone please tell me these are reuseable! Educate me aboute fake eylashes lmfao!
My random photo of the day...

I got a hello kitty theme for my iPhone! Totally kawaii leh!